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Directors' Desk

Samford International Academy will be a very special school where everyone is seen as being important and valued for what they can contribute. Parents are seen as being vital in the learning of their children and we aim to work positively together at all times. Effective family-school partnerships are based on mutual trust and respect, and shared responsibility for the education of the children and young people at the school.

I strongly believe families are the first educators of their children and they continue to influence their children’s learning and development during the school years and long afterwards. Schools have an important responsibility in helping to nurture and teach future generations and families trust schools to provide educational foundations for their children’s future. This is why it is important for families and schools to work together in partnership and build a vibrant community of young leaders to match the 21st Century with love, care and humility.

We at SIA are encouraged by the prospect of MAKING our school a truly outstanding school and we look forward to meeting the challenges that lay ahead. Once again, welcoming you all to Samford International Academy and I look forward to a very exciting and successful relationship between School, Parents, Students and our Community.

Zaki Arfin


Samford International Academy